Saturday, 25 October 2008
Trays eight and tongueburn
So here I am, one tray off half way through the treatment. This eighth set have been quite problematic. As I said, I put them in early as and then they split almost immediately, as well as that, these one gave me terrible mouth sores and scraped my tongue so much I had problems speaking! Because I was in Munich for a few days and eating acidic saurkraut and drinking beer it was making the stinging worse and not talking wasn't an option if I didn't want to appear completely unsociable so I ended up not wearing the sets that much. I've tried to make up for it since coming back and won't put number nines in until 17 days after putting these in. My crossbite tooth is about half a millimeter over the front of the bottom teeth so it's not technically a cross bite anymore! Still, I want it to line up with the other teeth before I start celebrating.