The picture shows the new gap. He also shaved between my cross-bite tooth and the one next to that so I expect it to start steaming through to the front anytime soon!
As for the bottom teeth, there hasn't really been too much change in the photos. I think this is because teeth at the back need to move first to create a bit of space for them so I will have to live with the crookedness in this set for a while yet. I have four attachments on my lower teeth and two of the molars need twisting by almost 90 degrees to reach their correct position. These are the teeth that my dentist feels will be the most challenging - not my crossbite. When I wake up in the mornings with a new set, these are the teeth that feel most tender so I guess it's working!
Final thought: There are a few other Invisalign blogs out there but what I find incredibly baffling is that the majority of them don't feature photographs! Why is this? Surely charting the visible difference is the most valuable thing you can do for fellow Invisaligners out there. However, I've found a couple of good'ens in my web searches which I've posted in the 'Useful links' list to the right of the page.