I'm on tray three. I confess I put them in a couple of days before the full fortnight of tray two was up but I felt ready.
The best news about this is that I felt minimum pain when moving across to these trays and I've not had any soreness on the tongue this time. BF reckons that my teeth must be getting used to moving and I guess my tongue must be getting used to being sandpapered every fortnight.
I will say that more than a few people have spotted that I am wearing trays. I explain that I'm wearing braces and though I'm happy with Invisalign now, wearing them makes me realise that I probably would have been ok to wear traditional ceramic after all. Having said that the difference in price between ceramics and Invisalign wasn't so great that I feel regretful.
I didn't need to go back to the dentist for this set. The last time I went my dentist gave me two sets of trays so my next appointment's not for another two weeks.
Anyway, as there's not really too much to say on the change over, I will let the photo doing the talking. Though I've still got the visual representation of a graveyard after an earthquake in my mouth, I'm pleased that I'm starting to see some real movement. Firstly, the gap drilled between my two front teeth has almost completely closed up now and my left lateral incisor is slowly emerging from behind my left front tooth.
I still have 8 months and 15 trays to get through after these ones but being able to spot a visible (if small) difference has renewed my resolve. What's more, I'm so used to wearing the trays now I barely notice them anymore and the more they hurt, the more I know that they are aligning my teeth how I would like them. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that I can't wait for the fourth trays!

After tray two